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The game was good but the last one was hard,ghost was hard to defeat but the rest is ok,the animations are good! Keep up the good work!

you basically have to do it perfect and get a bit lucky to get super saiyan fast

(1 edit) (+2)

Relatively Hard game in my opinion  but it was worth mastering. (4star)


I feel like I spent an hour just trying to beat ghost even with the cheat. I am never playing that game again on my phone. Overall it was a fun game and I want to play more like this.

Honestly, I have no clue how I won against ghost, I was getting my ass handed to me for half an hour, then I just beat her without getting hit? Anyway, great game!

Deleted post
Deleted 2 years ago

what cheat mode is that 


I made an account specifically to talk about this game. Its good but Ghost definitely needs to be rebalanced. Too much RNG defend her, she can poof away, she can match shuriken to make them plink, the amount of time she is away also seems random. I've read that you are supposed to hit her with a second one when she is coming back but she seems to be gone for way too long for it sometimes. Then as her health goes down she sends a barrage of shuriken at you. If you lose the rhythm or get hit during it, you are done, there is no recovering.

It feels like the devs didn't test this one at all. They just threw together the character and abilities and didn't see if they meshed well. 


... yall must suck at games if you are raging at ghost... the only thing different is her diagonal throws. I beat everything hitless, she doesnt need a nerf.


Ghost is too easy, please make a harder character 👍

Git gud gamers, just keep countering her shurikens until she breaks 🥷




Ghost is so difficult but if you hit one shuriken back and hit the next one just after she teleports it will hit her as she teleports back but the difficulty deffinetly needs readjustin


This game wouldn't be absolute fucking dog shit if it weren't for the fact that it takes a literal hour to beat ghost with cheats on, I could've hit the shuriken perfectly so that when she teleported back it would've been inside of her but instead of getting hit by the shuriken she automatically teleports away on the same from that she teleports back



(1 edit) (+2)

I want a scene where vipress gets fucked by the person she lost to in the losing screen like for the 1st one it could be vipress getting spanked, in the 2nd it could be vipress getting fingered in the 3rd it could be vipress getting the ghost's fist shoved into vipress's ass and vipress cumming


This is some real bullshit right there. Not only she teleports every fucking hit no she also blocks, spams and u have to hit the right timing with the right directions. What da Fuck do you even think human are? Not everyone is as coordinated with everything or can handle that much multitasking. Just bad because no of the developers gave a damn about the players only the ones that are good from the start. Thanks for nothing. Ptu

Will this game ever received a new update?

With 20 mints you can easly win all the fights, and i choose ghost because she is kinda a hot goth bitch and i didnt realesed that she was the harder one hahaha 

ghost is to hard even with cheats on when i get to hit a shuriken finally she teleports away



ghost was so difficult


just get gud my guy.


u so cringe for replying to every comment like this man, this was 10 months ago LOL


your just mad cus bad LOL.


I completed this game in 3 hour. I'm a fucking noob >:(


im gonna shit in your ass


Huh. I beat her first try, even though I haven't played the game in almost a month.

(2 edits) (+4)(-2)

Ghost is bullshit. The teleporting and shurikens are enough when she does them alone, but sometimes she throws a shuriken and then teleports 1 frame after. And on top of this, she takes 12 hits to defeat.


The final boss is infuriating. Either she poofs away, blocks your shuriken or your shuriken just go off into space never to be seen again. And the "reward" for it is simply not living up to the standard of beating her. Might be a good game but a bad porn Game

I think of her as Shin Akuma in Tekken 7 but he only spams the invincible teleport and Hadoken/Gohadoken. There's also no sidestepping.

hard to win damn..

(2 edits) (+1)

i like it, but the final boss is bullshit, if she didnt do the disappear thing it would be great, still a challenge too, but i can hit every one back at high speed and she will take 0 damage cause she just poofs every time, my suggestion would be just to make the super fast knock back do damage no matter what, so she cant just poof away from any attack, also the amount of time you cant block after getting hit is so long that i can get hit over 5 times because i cant block

Wouldn't kill to have a guide on where one section of the controls start ends, a transparent button or something, this is painful to play


Made an account just so I can comment on here

This game is not worth the amount of time it takes to beat.

Do not play expecting fun.


frick ghost


I did it! I finally did it! I found the way to beat ghost. At the start don't damage her and instead try to get the shurikens to hit each other until the yellow bar is full and you get yellow aura and she becomes way easier to deal with. As for how fast you can deflect the shurikens...that's on you. I played osu just to increase my reaction time and stuff.

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

Maybe play test your game before posting it, ghost is impossible to beat, even on cheat mode its nearly imposible, i find ridiculous that after you take half her health the only way to damage her is to send one normal shuriken and then right after 1 or 2 red or gold ones, otherwise she'll just "dodge" it, and her attack pattern and speed is ridiculous not even a pro rhythm game player could match it, so either limit or remove her auto dodge ability (it's annoying AF because even if you send 3 perfect time shiriken she will just dodge them), simplify her attack pattern, slow down her attack speed or make it so she can't dodge perfect timed shuriken, i know you think like: hard game = fun, but the reality is : hard game = i don't wanna play that shit again, the game concept is great but right now it's just not fun to play against ghost


Yeah this is fucking ridiculous. First two can be beaten first try, the third has auto dodge and a borderline unreadable wind-up. What a fucking joke


The 3rd challenge is impossible. I play on android and its just not possible to tap the middle of the screen and see the shurikens at the same time. It just sucked the fun out of the game.


she throws shurikens way too fast


you need to slow down ghosts pase

(1 edit) (+1)

I think the difficulty curve is off. I beat Mandarina in one go but Ghost has 3 new gimmicks (so far).

Plus, the main mechanic is hard to begin with. I can't see the shurikens turning black and so have no idea how close they need to be for counterattacks. 

The powerup mechanic seems pointless as it can be worn down but hits, so it's just a faster way to win as opposed a chance to turn the tide.?

Deleted 61 days ago

Nice game

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