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the yellow stuff levels up to slow for u to do the always hit she disappears and changes direction of the shurikens every 2 seconds and there a delay on when u throw them and half the time when i click it the shuriken hits me and my throw happens after all a report for ghost btw


When is the next update?

The cheat doesn't work >:(

why does ghost take less damage than you?


i would say give ghost's ablility a cooldown


Yeah. That third fight sucks my dude. Either have her disappear or have her fling her shurikens at odd angles. Not both. Your difficultly level here goes:

  • Easy, 
  • Slightly Less Easy, 
  • I Want To Pitch My Fucking Keyboard Out Of The Window

That's not a compliment.


3 is too hard because often I try to hit and it won't respond, I can't even do it with cheats on, can you make is so anything below a point on the screen is a low block and anything above that is a high because it seems to only work in the bottom left and top right

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speedrun, do all 3 fights and all 3 paybacks from start to end, timer starts when you click the first fight on the title screen, ends when the last payback is over.  my record is 4:48.58

(1 edit) (+1)

The third girl is way too hard. The spirit meter was a good idea, but the hit animation Viperess has makes it impossible when Ghost throws a constant stream of shurikens towards the end. And her disappearing every time you're about to hit her also makes it really hard.


the 3rd is too hard

could you add toys to use on her please? <3 btw you did an amazing job on this she looks sexy

plz fiz ghost she disperaed and reaperd and stared shooting me like a galick gun

got bored, had an idea, never trying this in my free time again

worth it? maybe


Wow! Kudos to the perfect!


why is the reset button the biggest one on the pause menu. shouldn't there be a continue button that's bigger?


Thanks! Pressing "R" is the quickest way to rematch, but the UI definitely needs improvement.

(1 edit) (+2)

Have been playing this for 1 hour on cheat, whenever it comes to fighting ghost on like 1 hit left disappears every single time i try to hit her she reappears then disappears. And, throws like a fucking  gatling gun.


same thing is happening to me. but when she reappears and is about to get hit by a shurukin, SHE TELEPORTS AWAY pls fix this its an amazing game

(3 edits) (+2)

Thanks for playing and I'll try to make thigs feel less frustrating with Ghost in the next update. One tip for now is that she can't dodge really fast shurikens. Your counter attacks get faster as the meter charges, and once you max it Ghost will get pretty easy until she's almost naked.

 When Viperess maxes her spirit, her normal counters get a yellow speed trail and breaks through 1 incoming shuriken. However, yellow trails lose their max speed after a collision, and become dodge-able, so you need a clean shot to do damage, unless you can use a power counter like a pro. :3

Towards the end, she teleports away after every hit, which I now realize might have been overkill, but I'm learning as I go.  :) 

that is where i have her now but the bar keeps going empty on mine

Actually, i beat her later just have patience but he does need to make it easier.

people thought the first 2 were hard

cleesh haze just decided to amp up the difficulty even further

now thats what i call a chad move

Gosh..  Really not my intention, haha. And here I was concerned the spirit meter addition made the game too easy. T.T 

well tbh if you can combo ghost in her early stages and charge up the spirit meter real quick then you should be able to beat her

i usually know if i have to reset the level about 30 secs into the game




Hey, When Is The Next Challenger Coming Out?!

Thank you for the interest! Working on it as we speak. Trying my best to get it done this week, but could be a little longer depending on how things go. 


This was not one of the best games  I've played but It felt so good when I beat them good job on the game.


i broke my computer because of this game, i can not complete any of it. seriously make it easier

(1 edit) (+1)

I've been sitting here with the cheat on for ten minutes not getting a single hit because the timing for this is flat-out impossible. It has to be frame-perfect, at probably like 30fps where 27 of those frames are nothing.
Even IF I could match the right key with the right visual cue in time in my head, which I can't even come close to doing, there's just no hitting this.
Never mind making me immortal, if it was slowed to 30% speed I probably still wouldn't have a chance.

EDIT: I downloaded it, it was bugging me so bad. Holy shit, if you download it, it's actually a game, and probably not a hard one; the shuriken actually stays on screen for more than two frames.
Okay yeah, this is just one of those games that LOOKS playable from Chrome, very playable actually in this case, but it simply isn't. Dunno how that works.

No yeah, it's a game now that I'm not trying to play it from the browser, but still too hard for a porn game. That Cherry Bunny game I played earlier, THAT was a tad too hard, but it was more compelling than this. I'm back to more or less the same kind of annoyed I was before.
The window for deflecting shurikens should probably just be the window for reflecting them, and the current window for reflecting them should be the "boosted" reflect.

(1 edit)

Still unplayable on Chrome. Music is good, though, I'll give you that. "Kirby boss but make it Eastern."
Also yeah, Ghost is even worse than trying to play this in browser; just because it *can* be beat (after twenty minutes with the cheat on and after other people have told you how it works through punishing trial-and-error) doesn't mean it's fair or good game design.
Legit, if there was an option to slow it down that'd actually be an improvement over getting to see just how bad at timing you are. Also, unplayable in browser.

cool game I want to continue, vote for A


how the hell are you supposed to beat this?




i le vote A for next oponent yes 


I vote A

i think b should be the next opponent

I'm seeing the issue for the bug. When it gets faster,I've noticed that for some reason the shuriken that deflect upwards will hit the enemy with the blue lines. Out of the corner of my eye,I saw her taking damage even though I didn't do the counterattack. And just like the previous person,I got to a bugged win screen of them just staring at each other longingly

Thank you. Hopefully that doesn't happen any more with these latest updates.

Is there supposed to be anything after you beat her, or is this it?

Ah bummer... That's the first time I've heard of someone getting stuck there, but that definitely looks like a bug. You should have seen more dialog and a "Wou Win" screen after, which usually happens.... but thank you. I'll make sure to address this issue in the next update that should be coming in a few days.

Glad to help.


The hit window is way to small especially with the hit stun it makes the last part for it almost impossible unless you play perfectly and makes the rest of the game feel unresponsive. If your entire game is based around one mechanic then you should make sure that its good and doesn't feel like its just screwing over the player.

(1 edit) (+1)

i don't like how the recoil prevents the player from blocking when the shuriken flurry is going on. if you get hit once during it, it's like an automatic game over. Like as if the game tries to prevent players from winning in an unfair way :/

It was a fun little game, although I do wish there were more opponents after the first.

Took me 5 tries to beat her and it was worth it.

I enjoyed the game. It's just like an arcade game in terms of not having a massive control scheme, but still maximizing difficulty with only two buttons. I can agree with some of the comments that the controls can be unwieldy but thats only because my arrows on my keyboard are very small compared to other keys. Altogether a very fun game

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